Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hope? Help. Change. America. We Wanna Believe. Freedom. & Justice. For All

Free - Live - America the Beautiful, rehearsal - Elliott Yamin
Spread Hope to America - Obama on Midwest Flooding - Obama Helps Out with Flood Relief - Iowa Underwater

Barack Obama Pitches In on Flood Preparation Efforts

Barack Obama in New York - Truth - Values - Closing - News

- TAUGHT the Constitution.

- BELIEVE in the Constitution.

+ WILL OBEY the Constitution of the United States of America.

- "Back To The People" - "Fighting For Change"

Over 100,000 Citizens Have Declared Their Independence
Barack spoke about how this campaign has been and will be supported by ordinary Americans earlier today...

'We haven't just sort of done better with small donors, we've revolutionized how campaigns are financed [by] small donors. We've revolutionized how campaigns are financed at the presidential level. Ninety-percent of our donors are by donations of $200 or less. Ninety-percent.

So the overwhelming bulk of the 1.7 million donors that we get money from are ordinary Americans. Not fat cats. We don't take special interest money in the form of PAC donations. We don't take money from federal lobbyists.

...And so if you look at how we fund our campaign, we are more reliant on small donors and ordinary Americans than any campaign in history.

...Our donor base is the American people.'

Unite for Change: Over 3,000 Events This Saturday

Statement of Senator Obama on the Crisis in Zimbabwe

Change that Works for You: Las Vegas
Video: Obama on the Economy + Energy
Solar Power and a Clean Energy Future - News

A Serious Energy Policy for Our Future

Change Comes to Indiana - A Fifty State Strategy: Playing Offense

Rolling Stone

Barack Obama's Remarks from Working Women Discussion in Albuquerque, NM - Change that Works for You
Slides - Barack in Albuquerque: 'The choice could not be clearer'

Statement of Senator Barack Obama on Anniversary of Title IX
Barack Obama Inspires. Change We Can Believe In.

Barack Obama North Carolina Jefferson-Jackson Speech - Road to Denver: Kurt in Utah - Photo Album - Morning News

Barack Obama Announces Plan to Crack Down on Excessive Energy Speculation
"An Investment in the Future" - Inspired to Bring Change

'Washington can’t solve all our problems. The statehouse can’t solve all our problems. City Hall can’t solve all our problems. It goes back to what I learned as a community organizer all those years ago – that change in this country comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom up... That's where change begins.' -- Barack Obama, Conference of Mayors Convention

The Education of an Organizer - 'Organizing to bring people back into politics is not a cost, but an investment in rebuilding the democratic infrastructure of our public life under assault for far too many years.' - Marshall Ganz, March 2007

Barack Obama at the Conference of Mayors Convention in Miami, FL - Slideshow

Barack Obama at U.S. Mayors Conference: "Neglect is not a policy" - Full Video - Complete Speech

Barack Obama in Raleigh, NC: Change That Works For You

Barack Obama in Grand Rapids, MI with John Edwards
Barack Obama with Al Gore in Detroit, Michigan
Fired Up! Barack Obama + Senator Jim Webb Electrify Virginia

Friday, June 20, 2008

Barack Obama Wins Democratic Nomination! Go Obama! Yes We Can! Fired Up! Ready To Go! Hope. Change. We Can Believe In - Historic Victory

Former Vice President + Nobel Peace Prize laureate Al Gore Endorses Barack Obama! - Video - Unite For CHANGE! volunteer
Spread Hope to America - Obama on Midwest Flooding

Barack Obama Pitches In on Flood Preparation Efforts
Obama Helps Out with Flood Relief in Quincy, IL
Message from Barack: "Declaring Our Independence" - "It's Called Democracy" - "A More Promising Future" - Declaring Independence - "True Public Financing"

We Can Make History Again - Fuel For The Fire - "If We Want Change, We Need To Contribute To It"

America the Beautiful, rehearsal, Elliott Yamin - John Legend 4 Obama

Barack Obama Excites Detroit Michigan Crowd
Change that Works for You - Barack Obama's Economic Tour - How do we keep America competitive in the years ahead?

Barack Obama: Governor's Conference on the Economy - Barack Obama on Offshore Oil Drilling

Barack Obama Inspires. Change We Can Believe In.

Barack Obama's Economic Roundtable with Labor Leaders
Obama in St. Paul: "The end of one historic journey... the beginning of another" - Morning News
McClellan: Bush, Cheney Wanted Me To Say Libby Wasn't Involved In CIA Leak Case (VIDEO)
Obama on FISA - Opposes Retroactive Immunity

McCain Breaks Campaign Finance Laws
20,000 Fired Up in Detroit, Michigan

Former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Al Gore Endorses Barack Obama - Detroit, Michigan

Panorama 360 Image of Barack Obama Rally with Al Gore in Detroit

It's a Beautiful Thing

Daily News

Obama Meets with Senior Working Group on National Security

Barack Obama with Al Gore in Detroit

Video: Barack Obama Speaks At Foreign Policy Summit

Gore: How will we know?

Detroit, Michigan Rally Slideshow

Gen. Merrill A. McPeak - Joint Chiefs of Staff For Obama

Joint Chiefs Veteran for Barack Obama - Women for Obama

Obama. One Voice. One America. Stand For Change.
Barack Obama - A Chorus of Millions
Barack Obama Inspires. Unity. Hope. Change.
Barack Obama's response to State of the Union
Barack Obama Receives Endorsement of Flag Officers from Army, Navy and Air Force - Judgement to Lead
Barack Obama: Foreign Policy Summit in Washington, DC

Obama Announces Senior Working Group on National Security

Barack Obama in St. Paul, Minnesota


Statement from Senator Obama on Trade Deficit Increase
Barack Obama in Raleigh, NC: "It is time to try something new. It is time for change." - "Change That Works For You" - Video
'Change that Works for You' - Raleigh, NC - Every single state

John and Elizabeth Edwards were on hand for the speech
Obama Reaches Out. Hope Touches America

Obama: Seniors making $50,000 or less won't pay taxes
Michelle Wows Crowd

Michelle on meeting Barack

Obama Statement on Reports that US Soldiers are Being Recruited for Dangerous Drug Tests

A Student Perspective on Obama's Education Plan

Sen Barack Obama: Michelle Is an "Extraordinary Mother"

Michelle Obama on The View

Barack Speaks to Students About Making College Affordable
Barack Obama Visits GM Workers During Shift Change
The Next American Century...
Barack Obama on the Economy in Flint, Michigan
Barack Obama on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Barack Obama's Father's Day Speech - transcript

Obama on Supreme Court Decision - RIP Tim Russert
Msg from David Plouffe: The biggest news you HAVEN'T heard

Barack Obama, St. Louis MO - Obama does work day with nurse
Change that Works for You: Chicago, IL
Change that Works for You: Kaukauna, WI
Change That Works for You: Columbus, OH
Fired Up! Barack Obama + Senator Jim Webb Electrify VirginiaVideo: Senator Jim Webb Endorses Barack Obama

Obama Inspires - Barack Speaks To His Staff & Volunteers
Barack Obama Victory Speech - Wins Nomination
Obama: 'I’m a big believer in making decisions well, not making them fast and not responding to pressure.' A Man of My Heart.
Students for Barack Obama: University of Washington looks back

Lone Star State Democrats Unite - Coming Together - Senator Clinton Endorses Barack Obama - Thank you, Hillary - "We are one": Your Messages to Hillary - More Messages to Hillary: "It has been historic" - Barack Obama on Senator Clinton's Endorsement - The Week In Pictures - Statement from Senator Barack Obama on this month's jobs report - Morning News - Bob Dylan endorses Barack Obama
Obama's Virginia Rally after nomination

Barack Obama in Bristow, VA - Barack talks about Senator Webb and Governor Kaine at a rally in Bristow, VA. June 5, 2008
Obama Campaign Moves to Virginia - Bristol, VA - Sunday Ride
Post-Primary Reflections: "We are unafraid"
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the Climate Change Bill
Virginia Prince William County Nissan Pavilion with Jim Webb
Lunch with Barack Obama - 47 Superdelegate Endorsements
Virginia Senator Jim Webb endorses Barack Obama
Barack Obama, Virginia Senator Jim Webb + Governor Tim Kaine
Slideshow: 10,000 Rally in Prince William County, Virginia
10,000 Virginians Fired Up at the Nissan Pavillion in Bristow, VA
Barack Obama in Bristol, VA: "They do not fund my campaign. They will not fund our party" - Obama Gets Big Stick - No Drama
Barack Obama Addresses SEIU's 2008 Convention
Obama Addresses AIPAC Conference - Headlines - Victory Speech
Wednesday Update: 28 More Superdelegates Endorse

Slideshow: Obama in St. Paul - Morning News
Video: Barack Obama's Victory Speech - June 3, 2008
Barack Obama, June 3, 2008 - 'If we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment –– this was the time –– when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.'
Overseas, Excitement Over Obama
In Presumptive Nominee, Many See Chance for New Direction and New Attitude

Barack Obama Victory Celebration Around the Globe
Go BARACK OBAMA! Change. We Can Believe In.

Barack Obama is the Democratic Nominee

26.5 Superdelegates Endorse Obama - Obama Wins Montana!
Barack Obama in Troy, MI

Our Moment is Now.
Barack Obama Jefferson-Jackson Speech, Des Moines
They Said This Day Would Never Come
Barack Obama Iowa Victory Speech
Barack Obama in Grand Rapids with John Edwards
Barack Obama in Macomb County
Barack Obama Wins North Carolina Victory
One Year From Now - Barack Obama in So. Carolina
Obama in Madison, Wisconsin - Millions For Change
Barack Obama Inspires - Wisconsin Democratic Founders Day
Obama Empowers Women + Americans with Disabilities

Obama - No More Waiting. Believe.
Ed Schultz - Barack Obama Winning Across America
Obama speaks to crowd outside Bangor, Maine Event
Fired Up! Ready To Go!

Obama Fights For Justice. Enough is Enough. CHANGE
For Decades - Obama Inspires - Fighting For Justice
Veteran 4 Obama: Obamacan - Winner, Obama in 30 Secs
Barack Obama Fighting For Our Future

Yes. We. Can. - Stevie Wonder + 21,000 Hoosiers Fired Up!

America's Youth Come Together for Obama
McCain: Out of Touch - John McCain and Iraq: "100 Years"
Obama on McCain's $3.5 million Private Fundraiser with Bush

Message from David Plouffe: Bush and McCain - McCain is going to extraordinary lengths to conceal the fact that at the very foundation of his campaign -- its policy positions and now the money driving it -- is George W. Bush. - Bush-McCain video
John Bush McCain: Lime Green Bottled Hot Water
Barack Obama vs. McBush
Obama. Nothing's Impossible. Elliott Yamin sings Free - Live, DC
Movin On - Live, acoustic, NYC - Elliott Movin On - Live, DC
Elliott Yamin - Free - Live
Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now - McFadden + Whitehead
We're On the Move! We Got da Groove!